
Providing a range of services to support young people & families

‘We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.’

Training & Education

Young people who are NEET (Not in education, employment or training) can be referred directly to us.

Outside school
P4YE In Schools

We offer a range of services and programmes in schools which aim towards positive outcomes...

Advocacy and Mentoring

We support young people and families who need help when dealing with services...

David, Wayne and Kids sitting holding footballs in their hands

We engage in a variety of activities with our young people to engage them. Photography, videography and podcasting are some of...


We offer a range of interactive and bespoke workshops to young people, parents and professionals.

Parenting Support

Parenting is not easy, we don’t get a manual for each child and sometimes there are serious problems...

Organisations We Partner With