Terms & Conditions

Your Personnal Data

By signing up as a member you agree to provide P4YE with certain personal information, which we will process in accordance with all applicable data protection laws to:

  • provide you with services and carry out administration in relation to your membership.
  • communicate with you (and your parent / guardian) about services and your membership. You can opt out at any time by contacting us; and
  • provide information about your membership to Project 4 Youth Empowerment CIC (registered organisation number 12327273), suppliers, funders and/or sponsors as required for the purposes of the development, coordination, and support of the P4YE network. 
We may collect sensitive personal information for example, information relating to your health, disability and/or ethnic background.

Where there is a need to protect or support a young person, we may also share personal information with relevant agencies as required by law.

For further information about how we process your personal information, who we may share it with, and your rights, please read our Privacy Policy.

Cancellation Policy

Members may cancel their subscription to a product, service or membership at any time but may not be eligible for a refund of fees already paid. Alternatively, members can lapse their subscription at the point of renewal through non-payment but will not be eligible for a refund of fees already paid.

Please refer to the Refund Policy for further information. Ceasing your membership will also stop access to products and services that are received through being a P4YE member. In some instances, further fees may be required to continue a product or service at a non-member fee.

When you lapse or cancel your membership

If you wish to, you can end your membership or stop any service you’ve applied for separately, by telling us. We may ask you to confirm this in writing or by email. If you do tell us that you wish to end your membership you will no longer be able to use any of the products and services linked to it.

If you pay your subscription by Direct Debit payments the Direct Debit instruction will be cancelled by P4YE for the next payment. Please note that if you cancel your Direct Debit instruction this will automatically lapse or cancel your membership. It is therefore important that you contact P4YE as soon as possible.

In the event of you wishing to cease your membership we will require payment of any arrears that may be due from you at the time and the return of your membership card, which is the property of P4YE, following which you will have no further obligations.

It is the member’s responsibility to ensure that they meet the current eligibility criteria when they are ready to reinstate lapsed or cancelled membership. Additional fees over and above membership subscriptions may be required to reinstate all your previously achieved statuses. P4YE reserves the right to alter, amend, change, modify or withdraw any of the membership categories and their associated eligibility criteria at any time and without prior notice.

If you lapse, cancel, or cease membership

If you choose to lapse or cancel your membership, or we withdraw or end your membership, or your application to membership is declined, we’ll keep your information confidentially afterwards.

Cancelling your membership

Cancellation of membership needs to be in writing, either by letter or email. P4YE will email you to confirm that we have cancelled your membership as per your request. However, until this letter is received you should consider your membership to be current and that you remain obligated to the terms and conditions, policies, Ethical Framework, and associated protocols of P4YE.